Multimodality imaging and clinicopathologic assessment of abdominal wall endometriosis
Abdominal wall endometriosis is a rare clinical entity frequently diagnosed with a significant delay and easily misinterpreted despite multimodality imaging. In the study of Jaramillo-Cardoso et al. which has recently been published in the journal Abdominal Radiology, the clinical, multimodality…
Key Points Lay SummaryA Way to Better Diagnose Colorectal Endometriosis
Combining magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with computed tomography-based virtual colonoscopy (CTC) can make the assessment of colorectal endometriosis more accurate. This is important because it can help doctors plan the surgery better and inform their patients. In order to evaluate…
Key Points Lay SummaryIntestinal Endometriosis and Colorectal Cancer versus T4 Colorectal Cancer
Ishii et al. recently published a paper titled “Intestinal endometriosis combined with colorectal cancer: a case series” in the Journal of Medical Case Reports. This case report follows 7 Japanese women who have intestinal endometriosis and colorectal cancer. These women…
Key Points Lay Summary